Blue background with lime green Work in Quinte logo and The Quinte Jobs Matchmaker tagline.

Upload Resume

Our Work in Quinte resume database connects local employers with willing and able employees by collecting and categorizing resumes according to skill sets and placing them in the resume database. A growing number of local employers use this database to find the skilled employees they need. 

You are on your way to connecting, growing, and beginning your career!

Add your resume to our database

Welcome to the Work in Quinte Resume Database Program. Collected resumes are categorized and made available to local employers upon request. Please fill out the information below and attach your resume.
Your resume will be kept on file for up to six (6) months, if you would like your resume removed please contact us directly.

What is your primary skill set?
How did you hear about us?
Maximum 3 files.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, tif, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx.
10 MB limit per form.
In accordance with Privacy legislation, your resume will only be reviewed by those employers who have requested access to the Work in Quinte resume database. By submission of your resume, you hereby agree to the circulation of your resume to employers within the Quinte Region and your email address will be added to the jobs newsletter to notify you of new job postings.